Sunday 13 November 2011

CHEF's knives revisited

To all you professional Chef's out there, first of all, thank you for what you do and for for being here at my Blog. I know that to hand over your knife or knives to someone else to sharpen is undoubtedly a decision borne out of necessity. You just don't have the time to do it yourself but  you  need the knives to be be taken care of.I get that and I appreciate you reading this.

You're knives are important to me as well, you need to know that I think of sharpening every day, it is an obsession of mine. How many other people do you know talk about sharpening as much as I do...I ask you, how many ?

You have taken a career path that involves the use of knives like no other profession. It is only natural that you want the tools of your trade, the knives that you covet and paid a lot of money for to be sharp. Can you make them sharp, of course you can. However, are you obsessed with making them sharp, have you left no stone unturned in your quest to discover techniques and products that can take them well beyond the the level of sharpness that you may be used to. Food preparation is your life, that's your focus. I don't need to worry about food, my wife does that, I just need to target the edge of your knife, the bevel and anything else about the knife that will enhance the quality of your life when it comes to food preparation.

If  the cost of sharpening is an issue for you, this is definitely not something you should worry about. Remember, I have a professional career in the Navy, I am not feeding myself from the profits of knife sharpening. If you have dull knives but you are worried about the cost of sharpening, you are making an error. You need to talk to me about that, it is more important to me that you have a sharp set of tools than the payment, seriously.
Remember, the fact that you have trusted me with your knives is not something that I take for granted, I know it is difficult to hand them over to someone else to sharpen. If you are hesitant because you are skeptical as to the quality of the sharpening; think of this. You may own a Wusthof, Global, Henckels, Shun, MAC  or some other very  nice knife. Well that knife was made and sharpened in a factory. If you think it was sharp when you first bought it, imagine what somebody who loves hand sharpening knives as much as I do can do with that knife. If you are reading this it means you are interested, think no more. Give me just one of your knives and I'll do it for free. If you are not absolutely thrilled at how sharp it is then you just forget about me. When I am done with your knife you will be very pleased. I can say this with confidence because of the love I have for sharpening and the quality of the products I own to do the sharpening. That beautiful Henckels that you bought was not sharpened by some old fella with OCD, remember that :)  A  robotic arm placed the blade of your knife into a grinding wheel, it did that to your knife and a hundred more in the same hour. I love Henckels, don't get me wrong, in fact I have asked for a new Henckels for Christmas but I guarantee, the first thing I do will be to sharpen it.

Do your dull  knife a favour, introduce it to me.


  1. Thanks for the good read, Peter. I just wanted to tune in and praise you again for the fabulous sharpening job you did on my custom Sandown Forge Hunter's series blade. You adjusted the angle and put a mirror finish on it several months ago. I've been putting it through it's paces since then and it still has a remarkable edge on it. Expect an email in the coming months once hunting season(s) are past and I need a tune up. Thanks again!

  2. My pleasure, thank you for taking the time to post these kind words. I look forward to seeing more knives.
