Hello folks,
When I teach knife sharpening, a common question is if it is a good idea to count the strokes to ensure and even grind on both sides of the knife.
Over the years I have changed my view on this but now I have rock solid opinion, this is my opinion.
NO.....do not count your strokes and here is why:
random shot to add coolness to my Blog Post.
Knife sharpening by hand is a process that can induce a zen like environment, if you are focused, free of distractions and in the zone, you will truly enjoy what is a very rewarding sensation. There is a synergy that develops between the stones and your edges and you. Get in the moment, concentrate on the edge and let the scenario unfold and you will not only walk away with a sharp knife but you'll experience an extremely rewarding sensation. This is a scene that plays over and over in my world and you'll hunger for it.
If you count your strokes, you have a tendency to automate a traditional process that should NOT be automatic. You need to learn to use your senses to know when to flip the knife, when to switch stones and when to stop. If you rely on a counting system, you will miss something, you will rob yourself of the sensation I described above....besides that, it's freaking boring to count.
Now this does not mean that you can't develop a rhythm, you need to find something that stimulates consistency and if a counting to 4 and then moving to another section and counting to 4 works, that is fine but the key is not to use that count/rhythm as a measurement to begin or end a step in the process. Instead, use your touch to feel the edge, to feel the burr and to feel the edge to make sure the burr is removed. Use you sight to look at the grind, is it even on both sides?
Is the burr formed from the tip to the heel?
I hope I am making sense and remember this is my opinion, if you are getting your knives sharp and you have a counting system, than use it, it works for you and that's what is important.
This is just the way that I feel about the topic, it doesn't mean I am right and everyone who counts is wrong.
Try it both ways and see how it goes, that's what I did and this is something I have come to realize recently, I only ever counted strokes for a month or so...I did not like it for the reasons I mentioned above.
Did I tell you about the time I sharpened knives in the pool?

Grohmann belonging to Executive Chef Craig Flinn |
Thanks for being here friends.
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